Using PEEL Lesson Plans - 3 Phases of Learning

PEEL includes 11 lesson plans, including activities and other and teaching resources. Lessons are typically organized in a basic lesson and enhanced version. Typically, younger students will benefit from the basic lesson, older students from the enhanced information, however PEEL encourages teachers to use their discretion. Particularly if the topic is new to students, the basic lesson may be the most appropriate at any age. The lesson plans incorporate input and review from experts in each applicable subject area, as well as feedback from educators who have presented these lessons before.

PEEL Phases

PEEL is intended to be phased learning through each grade, in accordance with the research on effective education in this area. Each grade is encouraged to integrate all phases over the course of their PEEL project lessons, so that students have the chance to more fully understand not only the content but also the meaning of the topic.

The first 8 lessons are part of Phase 1: Exploration of Energy and Environment in Alberta. This phase is content based and provides the foundational learning for students to consider acting upon. Phase 2 and 3 move students through to an action plan. Research has proven that student action is critical to creating student empowerment and preventing students from feeling overwhelmed and defeated when addressing the topic of climate change. Teachers are encouraged to help students create an action plan that is as specific to their context as possible and reinforces the concept of Circle of Influence used throughout these lessons.

Lesson plans are intended to equip and enable teachers to adapt PEEL for their classroom. The lessons provided will help teachers integrate PEEL through many aspects of their teaching, or focus during specific times of year or within specific subjects. PEEL instructors are available to provide support to teachers, answering questions and providing feedback both online, by phone, and in person.

Lessons 1 - 11

Lesson 1 is the critical lesson for establishing the vocabulary and concepts important to all subsequent learning. It is also recommended that educators complete, or ensure their students are familiar with the concepts of sustainability, conservation, and energy efficiency which are introduced in Lessons 2-4.

Lessons 5-8 provide more detailed information on specific renewable energy technologies. We encourage educators to use their discretion with these lessons. For teachers who wish to incorporate local experts into their PEEL program, these lessons create excellent opportunities to do so. There are many industry professionals and related organizations throughout the province who have experience with the technologies studied in these lessons.

Lessons 9-10 are intended to help teachers lead students through an action-oriented project, allowing students to use their knowledge to discover, influence, and reflect on their learning. Lesson 11 includes a celebration of student growth, a vital component in affirming students and maintaining their motivation for future action.