“The children showed new understanding gained on environmental stewardship and greenhouse gas emissions. I was immediately taken with the quality and depth of learning”
Downloadable content for each lesson includes
a presentation, presentation with instructor notes, and a lesson plan.
PEEL Lessons are phased to provide appropriate opportunities for students to absorb, question, and apply the information they are learning. Research on environmental and climate education has found that students who are given time to process information and select action projects based on their circle of influence report the greatest levels of integration of their learning across all aspects of the curriculum.
Lesson plans are divided into Basic / Intermediate / Advanced categories. This roughly translates to grades 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12. PEEL encourages teachers to choose the level best suited to their particular class of students.
This video provides step by step instruction for the popcorn activity, included in PEEL Lesson Plan 1.