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Submit your lesson plan in pdf format by email to info@teachpeel.ca

Subject Line: Share My Lesson Plan

Deadline for submission: April 15, 2019

To be eligible for publication, lesson plans must:

Address climate change and/or renewable energy technologies, aligning with PEEL purposes

  • Identify applicable Alberta curriculum outcomes and learner competencies for grade 3-12

Prior to publication:

  • Lesson plans will be vetted by industry experts. You will also receive feedback from industry experts which you can incorporate into future lesson plans.

After publication:

  • If you submit one of the first 25 published lesson plans, you will receive an e-gift card* for your choice of ChaptersIndigo, Mountain Equipment Co-op, or Amazon.ca. All gift cards will have a value of $100.

  • Your lesson plan will be available to other teachers to use, for free.

  • You retain ownership of your lesson plan. PEEL will not prevent you from publishing your plans on other sharing sites, for fee or not. PEEL retains the right to remove lesson plans from the PEEL site at any time.

*Only individuals resident in Alberta are eligible for the e-gift card. Corporations, non-profits, societies or other entities, and individuals who are not resident in Alberta are not eligible.